You Are Not Alone – We're Here to Help

Help for young people
I’m a young person and I could use some help…

Parents and carers
I’m a parent or carer and I’m looking for support…

Help for adults
I’m an adult affected by bullying, suicide or related issues…

I’m a young person and…
- I’m worried about something and need to talk
- I’ve been bullied online or had pics shared without my consent
- I need help with practical stuff like housing, money, health or family violence
- I have a question about my legal rights
If someone’s life is in danger or there is an immediate risk of harm, call triple zero (000)
I’m a parent or carer and I’m looking for…
- Phone or online counselling
- Counselling or support in person
- Help to remove cyber bullying material
- Advice about our rights
- Information about bullying, cyber safety and parenting
In an emergency always call triple zero (000)
I'm an adult affected by bullying, suicide or related issues, and I'm looking for...
Phone or online counselling
There are helplines you and your teens can call. They are free and confidential. Many helplines will chat via online messaging, text messaging and email, as well as over the phone.

Dolly's Dream Support Line
0488 881 033
Dolly’s Dream in partnership with Kids Helpline provides a free 24/7 support service. Call 0488 881 033 to connect with a qualified counsellor. The line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Webchat is also available.
Call 0488 881 033
(24hrs a day, 7 days a week)

Kids Helpline
1800 551 800
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged five to 25. Anytime. Any reason.
Call 1800 551 800 (24 hours a day)
Check the website for more details

13 11 14
If you are thinking about suicide or experiencing emotional distress, help is available. There is hope. Lifeline provides confidential crisis support that is accessible 24 hours a day.
Call 13 11 14 (24 hours a day)
Check the website for more details

1800 650 890
eheadspace provides free online and telephone counselling to young people aged 12 to 25, as well as to their families and friends from 9am to 1am, seven days a week.
Call 1800 650 890 (9am-1am)
Check the website for more details

Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Suicide Call Back Service is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides free phone and online counselling to people who are feeling suicidal, are worried about someone, or have lost someone to suicide.
Call 1300 659 467 (24 hours a day)
Check the website for more details

Beyond Blue
1300 224 636
Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
Call 1300 224 636 (24 hours a day)
Check the website for more details

1300 845 745
Griefline provides free counselling support to anyone experiencing grief, loss, trauma and the many associated feelings. You are not alone.
Call 1300 845 745 (6am-midnight)
Check the website for more details

Parentline offers free, confidential counselling for parents and carers to help you navigate a wide range of parenting dilemmas.

The national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service offers phone and web counselling 24/7.
Call 1800 737 732 (24 hours a day)
Check the website for more details

I’ve been bullied online or had pics shared without my consent / Help to remove cyber bullying material
Being bullied online or having pics shared without your consent can be very upsetting. We encourage you to speak to an adult you trust or get support from the helpline listed below.

eSafety Commissioner
The eSafety Commissioner helps Australians deal with online abuse. eSafety can help to remove bullying content and get you support.

eSafety Guide
Most social media services offer a reporting tool where you can ask for online bullying material to be removed. This eSafety Guide will help you learn to report and block online bullying on social media, games, apps and sites.

I have a question about my legal rights

Youth Law Australia
Youth Law Australia provides free, confidential legal advice, assistance and referrals for young people under 25.

Counselling or support in person

Healthdirect Australia
Heathdirect Australia is a service to find a GP, psychologist, counsellor or psychiatrist near you.

Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more. It is free and anonymous, with more than 370,000 services listed across Australia.

Advice about our rights

Department of Education
The education department in your state or territory will provide information about dealing with bullying, online safety and disputes at a state school.

Catholic Education
Your Catholic Education Office will provide information about dealing with bullying, online safety and disputes at a Catholic school.

Australian Pro Bono Centre
Find legal help near you using this directory.

Australian Human Rights Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission investigates and resolves complaints about discrimination and human rights breaches.

Fair Work Commission
A worker in a constitutionally covered business who reasonably believes that they have been bullied at work can apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop the bullying.

Safe Work Australia
The work health and safety regulator in your state or territory offers advice on improving work health and safety and investigates workplace incidents, including cases of bullying.

Information about bullying, cyber safety and parenting

Parent Hub
Many parents feel teaching their kids about online safety is important, but they don’t quite know how to go about it. To help make your life a little easier, we’ve done the research and pulled together the most trusted information from around the internet about online safety and bullying.

Raising Children Network
Raising Children Network is an online parenting resource funded by the Australian Government that provides research-based parenting information on subjects from pregnancy through to adolescence.