Dolly’s Dream chosen charity in the Lexus Melbourne Cup National Sweep

24 Jul 2024

Dolly's Dream is honoured to be one of twenty-four chosen charities for the Lexus Melbourne Cup National Sweep, part of the prestigious 2024 Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour.

Introduced in 2019, the National Sweep is an important Victorian Racing Club (VRC) charity initiative which see’s 24 rural and regional towns allocated a barrier for the 2024 Lexus Melbourne Cup. Dolly’s hometown of Katherine is one of the chosen tour destinations and has nominated Dolly’s Dream for its chosen charity.

The tour is underway where the iconic $750,000 18-carat-gold Melbourne Cup trophy is being showcased at 36 destinations across six countries and last week it arrived in the Top End and made an appearance at the 59th annual Katherine Show, as well as a special visit with Kate and Tick.

Kate said they are absolutely thrilled that Dolly’s Dream is Katherine’s nominated charity.

 “I just think the Lexus Melbourne Cup is an iconic thing to be involved in and we've got such a beautiful, supportive audience that they'll all be very invested in that,” Mrs Everett said.

“If we were to win the (Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour) National Sweep, that money that would be invested straight back into the rural community with some of our workshops and mental health first aid. This is where we started and these are the people that have got our back but to take our supporters on that journey with us will be incredible.”

Kate and Tick will be trackside in Flemington for the big event in November with their fingers tightly crossed.

See the trophy visiting the NT here.