Do It For Dolly Day


Join us on Friday, May 9th

How will you get involved and go BLUE?

Dress up, bake or decorate your house BLUE. We love seeing your fundraising ideas come to life.
Together, we can create a safer, kinder world, starting with our own school communities.
Go BLUE and connect with your community, have fun, and make a real impact.
Bring your workplace together to spread kindness and support Dolly’s Dream.

Dolly Everett's dream of a kinder world, free from bullying

At the beginning of 2018, the country was devastated by the untimely death of 14-year- old Dolly Everett who took her own life after an extended period of bullying and cyber-bullying. Inspired by her spirit and fuelled by hope, Dolly's parents set out on a mission to create a kinder, safer world for every child. 

Why take part?

When you go BLUE, you are doing more than wearing Dolly Everett's favourite colour. You are are helping spread the message that no child or family should have to face the devastating impact of bullying alone. 

Amanda and Millie's* Story

Amanda’s* world turned upside down when her daughter Millie* became the target of relentless bullying.

Archer's Story

Archer's mum faced her worst fears as her son spiralled into a cycle of anxiety and depresssion, feeling like he never quite fit in.

Sophie's* Story

After Sophie* turned 14, everything changed when she became a target of bullying in a small town. 

How will you


this year?

Thank you to our incredible campaign partners