Wollondilly Pony Club

Do it for Dolly Day 2024

I'm fundraising for...

I am taking part in Do It For Dolly Day! It is a day dedicated to bringing the community together, spreading kindness and uniting in taking a stand against bullying.

Thanks for visiting my fundraising page and helping to create a kinder and safer world for Australia's kids and communities with Dolly's Dream!

Your donation will help raise much-needed funds for Dolly's Dream and support their anti-bullying initiatives and programs that are helping to empower and educate our community about the power of kindness and bullying prevention.

You can sponsor me and leave a message by clicking the donate button above.

Together we can make Dolly's dream a reality.

#DoItForDollyDay #BeKind #EndBullying

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Sunday 5th May 'Do It for Dolly Day'

Monday 29th Apr

Sunday 5th May will be the "Do it for Dolly" Rally Day.

All funds raised from attending the rally day will be donated to the Dolly's Dream charity. 

Come along & join in with fun group based activities including rescue relays, challenges, races, double barrells plus more......

The day will start with a group breakfast provided by the club for all riding members at 9am.  (You will need a hearty breakfast for this one...) with activities to follow after. 

All riders & ponies are encouraged to wear their favourite blue outfit. 

For anyone not attending this rally day or family or friends who would like to donate please go to


Gates will open from 8.45 am.   

Do it for Dolly Rally Day

Monday 22nd Apr
Wollondilly pony club is hosting a rally day on Sunday 5th May in honour of the Dollys Dream Charity. All funds raised will go directly to the charity & the day will include wearing blue for both riders and ponies, fun games & team activities.