Kate Raymond

Kate (aka Elsewhere on Wheels) Join Us

Kate (aka Elsewhere on Wheels)

I’m Kate and I’m one of the organisers of the AWSDC as well as a repeat rider. I support Dolly’s Dream because I believe that everyone has the right to be themselves, to be safe, appreciated, respected and included, without being bullied.

The work that Dolly’s Dream does in communities and schools to educate, support and advocate is very important to raise awareness and give young people, families and communities tools to prevent bullying, as well as to support and empower young people to speak up for what is right.

The All Women Simpson Desert Crossing aligns very closely with the values of Dolly’s Dream. As many female riders would know, when you stand out and do things differently, not everyone will be supportive. The AWSDC is a platform to support and lift each other up as we take on the personal challenge of a Simpson Desert Crossing on a motorbike.

I will be undertaking my 11th Simpson Desert Crossing in 2023. Every crossing has been different and is always an opportunity to reflect on the values of Dolly’s Dream. It is a cause very close to my heart.

Dolly has taught me to use my voice and speak up for what I believe in, even if it’s difficult, even if it feels impossible. Speak even if your voice shakes. And above all, kindness is the most important thing in the world. Be kind to yourself and kind to others, even when the world is a stormy place. Showing kindness in the face of adversity is one of the bravest things imaginable. Kindness truly has the power to change the world.

Anything that you can donate to Dolly’s Dream helps their important work to continue. We are extremely grateful for any donations you can provide to them.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind 💙🦋

Thank you to my Sponsors


Rachel Robinson

So happy to support such an amazing cause that is so close to my heart. I hope you all have an incredible ride!



Good luck Kate, a truly valuable endeavour.


Ben Keith

Congratulations Kate on the amazing work you’re doing.


Kate Raymond


Jenny Henwood


Yasuyo Patel

What a great contribution you are making. Hope you have a safe trip.





Keep inspiring and uplifting people Kate!


Beth Johnson

Great cause Kate …. Enjoy the ride


Trish Slocum


Lis Wilkinson

Have the best trip across the desert! ! I cannot wait to join you next year!


Wayne Meehan

All the Best Kate, a Great cause to suy


Melanie Barker

Go kate!


Jo G

All the best for your trip Kate, we will be thinking of you. And thank you for raising funds for such an important cause.



Legendary… Bravo!



Such a wonderful charity to support Kate and what a personal challenge! Congratulations