Paige Brumby

Do it for Dolly Day 2024

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I am taking part in Do It For Dolly Day! It is a day dedicated to bringing the community together, spreading kindness and uniting in taking a stand against bullying.

Thanks for visiting my fundraising page and helping to create a kinder and safer world for Australia's kids and communities with Dolly's Dream!

Your donation will help raise much-needed funds for Dolly's Dream and support their anti-bullying initiatives and programs that are helping to empower and educate our community about the power of kindness and bullying prevention.

You can sponsor me and leave a message by clicking the donate button above.

Together we can make Dolly's dream a reality.

#DoItForDollyDay #BeKind #EndBullying

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My bubbly girl lost her bubbly personality

Monday 22nd Apr
Paige has suffered from ongoing bullying from staff and students at her old school. No matter what I done, nothing was fixed. In fact, it just got worse. She suffered emotional, academic, physical and mental bullying and my sweet bubbly girl turned into an anxious, sad, deflated girl. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to witness and feel so powerless with because no matter how much I spoke to who was meant to make it better, they done nothing to help her! Paige had to be medicated to sleep because her anxiety was so bad, she couldn’t sleep. 
I’m so glad that we moved her schools. Since being there and learning to trust the staff and students, she’s a whole new kid. No more medication for sleep and my bubbly girl has come back! 
So we are going Blue in support of DO IT FOR DOLLY because the money raised goes towards resources and education towards the goal of eliminating bullying. Let’s help guide a better future for our children 💙

Thank you to my Sponsors


Aoife Nally


Paige Brumby